Volusia County | Volusia County (https://www.volusia.org/)
Volusia County | Volusia County (https://www.volusia.org/)
Staff from the Marine Science Center (MSC) will discuss the center’s five-year capital plan during a public meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11, at the Ponce Inlet Community Center, 4670 S. Peninsula Ave., Ponce Inlet.
MSC Manager Chad Macfie will share information about the center’s turtle and bird hospitals, educational programs and guest services. He will also address plans to right-size and improve services.
“We have had very little facility growth over the past 20 years, but our animal intakes have increased and educational programs have expanded, creating space, storage and visitor flow issues,” Macfie said. “Moving forward, our goal is to improve the MSC responsibly with the least amount of impact to our surroundings and neighbors."
Public comments will be accepted. Two or more Volusia County Council members are expected to attend. For more information, call the Marine Science Center at 386-304-5545.
Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act (Title II)
Pursuant to Title II of the ADA, Volusia County does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in providing or conducting its services, programs or activities. Anyone requiring an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of county policies to participate in a meeting or other event, should contact the county’s ADA Title II coordinator, Jim Corbett, at 386-248-1760 no later than two business days before the event or meeting.
Original source can be found here.